DMJA Launches Downtown Business Survey

Moose Jaw, SK – The Downtown Moose Jaw Association (DMJA) has created a survey for downtown businesses.

The 17-question survey is open to all downtown Moose Jaw businesses and is designed to obtain information about current challenges faced by downtown businesses, things that are going well and how the DMJA can play a role in growing downtown economic activity.

“Part of the DMJA Strategic Plan is to grow into a sustainable organization that is actively growing and promoting the downtown business community,” said Geoff Anderson DMJA Board Chair. “We ask all downtown businesses to take a few minutes to fill out the survey as the results will inform our future growth initiatives.”

The survey can be taken with this link.

The Downtown Moose Jaw Association also reminds downtown businesses that if they would like to be included in future communications from the DMJA about promotions and events, use the Contact Us link at and provide your business and contact information.

Results will be presented at the DMJA Annual General Meeting, scheduled for Thursday, April 13, 2023. Full details on time and location will be released soon.